Recognizing NDEAM Light It Up!

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), an annual campaign to promote disability inclusion. October 21st is Light It Up for NDEAM – in purple and blue – and the theme this year is Engaging Talent in the Disability Inclusion Evolution.

PPRC is taking this opportunity to celebrate the talent pool of people with disabilities while also raising awareness. Did you know that myths about people with disabilities are still common and that disability is often left out of the business conversation about diversity and inclusion? 

We believe skilled, talented people who have disabilities need the same employment opportunities as other job seekers and they are a talent pool that must be accessed for businesses to remain successful in the future. NDEAM affords all employers the opportunity to review their hiring practices, especially the recruitment process, and the inclusiveness of their organizational culture. 

The goal of our ongoing commitment to inclusion is to get to a place where hiring qualified people with disabilities is “business as usual.” NDEAM presents an opportunity for everyone to re-think disability-inclusive hiring if they aren’t already making it business as usual.

What is PPRC doing to celebrate Light It UP? We are showcasing the diverse talent of our team with purple and blue T-shirt photos and lighting up home offices.  

What is PPRC doing to recognize NDEAM? Across Eastern Ontario, members of our practice are spreading awareness through presentations, distributing posters and recognizing MentorAbility employers with awards. Presentations are being delivered for Small Business Week to employers in Cornwall, staff at the City of Ottawa, community partners with the Ottawa Employment Hub, and a round table discussion with HR Leaders in Canada. PPRC is also spreading the word about the value of inclusive and diverse workplaces through an inclusive event with Wanda Deschamps, Inclusion Revolution. 

As we celebrate NDEAM by Engaging Talent in the Disability Inclusion Evolution, here are some further thoughts to consider: 

  • Disability inclusion must be driven from the top down, and there must be accountability at all levels of the organization.
  • All employees, with and without disabilities, are being accommodated one way or another. 
  • Many employers have adapted with more flexible work arrangements, to help employees be successful in their roles while finding a better work/life balance between work and family responsibilities.

We hope that you too are celebrating NDEAM! To find out more about PPRC’s supported employment for persons with disabilities contact us at