Starting your own business is never easy. Doing so when you self-identify as living with a disability and add on the fact you live in a rural community in eastern Ontario, is even more daunting.
But that is what Travis Richards has done. Travis is the Founder and Social Media Specialist of Travis Richards Office (TRO), and he has been in business for seven years. He delivers services remotely and in person when required. He has clientele in rural communities, in Ottawa and has recently expanded to Eastern Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island.
Travis had a dream to start his own social media agency and office administration company. TRO provides digital marketing and administration to small, medium, or large companies. They help companies with social media marketing on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. He is a licensed Google specialist.
Travis started his company and then realized that he needed help finding resources and expertise to assist him in getting established. He contacted Performance Plus Rehabilitative Care Inc. (PPRC) and began a continuing relationship. He met Linda Simpson the Director of Service for PPRC and the Self-Employment consultant. Travis describes the relationship as “the best investment he ever made.” They helped me with my business plan, they assisted in finding opportunities for funding and they helped me find a business coach in my field. PPRC offered the MentorAbility program, and I was introduced to Lisa Strangway of The Marketing Station. She became my mentor and coach and helped me understand the business.
I look up to Linda Simpson as a business leader, she helped me establish connections, learn networking, and taught me to be confident. PPRC made business accessible.
Travis Richards
“I would recommend to people that if they have an idea, to go for it and make it work. Sure, there are tough days but if you do what you love you can create your own best life. Being your own boss is scary, it’s challenging, and it can be inspirational. It is the best choice I ever made,” says Travis.
People say I am courageous for taking the plunge and creating my own opportunity, but for me, I will quote Nelson Mandela, “Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.”
PPRC provides vocational rehabilitation services to clients and employers. You can find more information by contacting us at or by phone at 613-748-3220.